Friday, August 7, 2009

The Mural

Yesterday morning, I got together with local artist Shelley Toon-Hight to sketch out a plan for the bottle cap mural. I decided on a scene of the orchards and Mount Hood. I then spent several hours painting the scene on the ply wood. Last night, I went to Families in the Park with the mural. Young children came by through out the night to add bottle caps to the scene. It is looking really good already!

I'd like to thank Mike Schend for doing a very eloquent job of telling everybody at the park about my projects. The word is certainly getting out there about the "Comfort Bags for Kids"!


  1. hi Gabriella - greetings from Eugene! How great that you have your own blog...what are comfortbags for kids. Caleb says hi! Are we going to see you anytime in Eugene in August?
    Say hi to your mom and dad...
    Have fun!


  2. Wow! That mural looks AWESOME!
